Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January 1, 2008 The Year!!!

We had a wonderful New Years in We had the count down twice. The first countdown was a the Charleston Peak Clubhouse saw the year in New York time, watched that big ball fall on the count down. Prior to the 9pm our time we had snacks, danced told jokes and sang karaoke. I told the joke about the Man who had lost his eye and had become quite a recluse, but then one day he was widdling and made himself quite a good looking wooden eye. He was feeling pretty good about himself and decided he would go to a dance. He scanned the room and saw a lot of pretty girls but then he spotted a girl that was just sitting, no one had asked her to dance as she had a hair lip. It took him a long time to get the courage up then he went right over to the girl and said excuse me would you like to dance. She answered with Oh WOOD EYE and he retorted with Hair lip Hair lip. Common mistake Any way a few people laughed. After 9pm we went to The Saddlewest and waited till they drew all of the prizes and our names were not one of them. We then went to the Nugget they drew 20 names and again none were ours so we got home around 1 AM. Guess what we will have to keep working for a living.
One thing I got this morning was a cuddle with Mugsie and Suzy. Ray is watching the Foot Ball after we watched the beautiful Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA on TV that is. Happy & Prosperous New Year to you all.

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